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Культурно-просветительское издание о советской истории "Советика".

е-мейл сайта: sovetika@mail.ru

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У карты мира - Колумбия (1976 г.)

Актерская судьба Евгения Урбанского




The White House and the Black Continent.The White House and the Black Continent is the first book to be written in the Soviet Union about aggressive American policy in Africa under the Reagan administration. Leading Soviet scholars and public figures engaged in African studies headed by Ana-toly Gromyko, Director of the Institute of African Studies (USSR Academy of Sciences) and Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences lay bare the essence of the US imperial thesis of "Africa being a zone of vital interests of the United States". Numerous facts, some of them little known, set forth in readable form show Africa's place in the global strategy of American imperialism, the Pentagon's plans and actions in Africa, the strengthening alliance between the United States and racist South Africa, and the way the White House uses Israel in its neocolonialist policy in Africa.


Sovetika.ru it’s a site devoted to history of Soviet era. The site tells about a life of simple people in the USSR and the socialist countries, the western countries. On a site You can find various graphic and text materials of that time. The site is divided into following sections:


  • the Soviet life - section about everyday life of ordinary soviet people;
  • the USSR - everything that’s connected with USSR;
  • the West - everything that’s connected with the Western countries;
  • the Third world - everything that’s connected with countries of the Third world;
  • the Warsaw pact - everything that’s connected with socialistic countries;
  • Biographies - some words about interesting people (under construction);
  • Chronology - chronicle of events of the Soviet era;
  • Record library - here you can download soviet music (under construction);
  • Library - here you can find books and other interesting materials.


For all contacts, please, e-mail to sovetika@mail.ru (Dminry Lastov)



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